Top Rated Tattoo Removal Services in Cookeville TN
We Offer The Most Advanced Technology in Laser Tattoo Removal Service in Cookeville TN!
Top Rated Tattoo Removal Service In Cookeville TN!
We Offer The Most Advanced Technology in Laser Tattoo Removal Service in Cookeville!
How Laser Tattoo Removal Works
Laser Tattoo Removal in Cookeville TN
• Break-up?
• Change in your profession?
• Cover-up?
• Mistake?
Why choose Clear Out Ink?

Cookeville TN Laser Tattoo Removal Pricing
Call Now or Text Us For Your Free Tattoo Removal Consultation
(931) 907-7031
When paid in full we offer:
No Refunds on packages.
$100 Any Single Session Tattoo Removal. Up to 8 inches.
Contact Us
Our laser tattoo removal pricing starts at just $100 per treatment, but we don’t categorize our pricing – we customize a pricing and treatment plan to match your individual removal needs. At your initial, no-obligation consultation, we’ll provide a price and estimate on how many treatments are necessary to remove your tattoo(s). Our pricing structure is based on the actual amount of ink on your body, not the size of the area.
Package deals are available for all types of credit contact us or schedule a free initial no-obligation consultation to see if you qualify.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Some patients state that laser tattoo removal causes some discomfort, while others none. Most treatments are completed within minutes. The laser operator will complete a test area to see your pain threshold, and will pause the treatment if you feel any discomfort. Ice packs as well as our Zimmer chilling system, which distributes cooling air during the treatment, are used to pre-treat the area. Patients experience little discomfort with these accommodations.
- Ink content
- Size
- Ink color
- Location
- Skin type
- Age of the tattoo
Absolutely FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!
At Clear Out Ink Laser Tattoo Removal, we utilize a chart specific to individual needs based upon the factors above that will give a more exact number of treatments at the time of your consultation.
Most Tattoo Can be treated. The amount of laser tattoo removal sessions depends on your tattoo’s:
- Ink content
- Size
- Ink color
- Location
- Skin type
- Age of the tattoo
An amateur tattoo may need 3-6 treatments. A professional, multi-colored tattoo might take 3-12 or more in specific cases. For best results, each session will be treated 6-8 weeks apart. One purpose of our free consultation is to discuss the amount of treatments necessary to remove your tattoo. You will have a clearer, more precise number of treatments after the consultation.
Clear Out Ink utilizes the Zimmer Cryo 5 cooling system during laser tattoo removal procedures to ensure that clients are comfortable before and during the procedure. The Zimmer Cooling system minimizes pain and thermal injury during laser treatments. Unlike other cooling methods, the Zimmer system cools the epidermis before, during, and after any non-invasive laser treatment. The system has 6 different airflow rates that allow the operator to customize the intensity of the cooling for different situations. The Zimmer Cryo 5 is the winner of the Editor’s Choice Award for Best Stand Alone Epidermal Cooling Device and used specifically by Clear Out Ink to maximize patient comfort and minimize the side effects of laser tattoo removal. Ensuring your comfort and providing results are our highest priorities!
Clear Out Ink uses a Quanta Q-Plus C, the only true 3-wave length Q-switched system available in the world. It has the capabilities to remove a full spectrum of colors, administering more power with less adverse reaction.
Other laser tattoo removal equipment involves an outdated circular light that has unevenly distributed energy and hot spots that create inconsistencies and heat stacking. These older technologies have a higher chance of causing bulla or blistering of the skin, which then leads to scarring. Quanta Q-Plus C’s square “top hat” style laser beam distributes the energy evenly in the tissue, leaving no hot spots and providing twice the energy to break up your tattoo’s pigment so that the body can absorb it naturally.
You may not be a good candidate for laser tattoo removal treatments if anything in the list below applies to you:
- Pregnancy
- Diabetes
- Allergic reactions to red dye
- Taking Accutane (must be off of Accutane for 6 months)
- Other rare conditions
Clear Out Ink is the ONLY laser tattoo removal facility in Las Vegas to use the latest, most advanced state of the art Quanta Q Plus-C Q Switched Laser that has the capabilities to remove a full spectrum of colors. We offer a free consultation provided by a Certified Laser Specialist that utilizes a chart specific to each individual tattoo’s ink content, size, ink color, location, skin type and age of tattoo to give you a precise number of treatments that it will take to Clear Out your Ink! Using a Zimmer cooling system throughout the treatment, a Certified Laser technician will remove your ink while assuring your comfort throughout the procedure. Clear Out Ink also has a medical director on-site to pre-screen each and every patient and answer any questions you may have.